WABR – The Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Registry is an international registry of most of all aquatic bodyworks students.
When Harold, and others who joined to help develop Watsu and Tantsu, were invited end of the eighties to teach around the world, Harold began a Registry to list classes and practitioners on the internet, and to store authorizations to practice and teach. Today more than 20,000 from 90 countries have transcripts on the Registry. Find practitioners, classes and instructors on the Registry to ensure they are fully trained and that their classes can be added to your transcript and applied to becoming authorized to practice or teach Watsu, or one of the other forms of Aquatic Bodywork whose authorizations are also listed on the Worldwide Registry (see www.watsu.com).
The registry belongs to the Dull’s family, but is also trough it that we collect the WABA fees from our members.
Members fees and Royalities are collected togheter and once or twice per year, the WABA member fees are reversed to the WABA account in Switzerland.

Extract from the WABA Statutes: Members fees
Art. 3.
The members are responsible for the achievement of the social objectives and personally liable for the payment of, and limited to, one annual association fee.
The annual fee for instructor’s basic membership is fixed in USD 40.00.
The annual fee for practitioners and providers basic membership is fixed at USD 10.00. The first membership due is free until the end of the next year if practitioner or provider has registered himself on WABR (The International WABA Registry)
The annual fee for training institutes is fixed at USD 150.00. Institutes until 2 instructors pay only 50.00 USD. Institutes with 3-4 instructors pay only 100.00 USD.
The annual fee for a local Aquatic Bodywork Association is fixed in USD 100.
The annual fee for a simple member is fixed in USD 10.00
The annual fee for a mentor member is fixed at a minimum of USD 200.00
The annual fee for a supporter member is set at a minimum of USD 30.00
Honorary members are exempt from paying the annual fee
Internal rules will give some more details.
The fees may be collected from the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Register (WABR) and reversed to the WABA accounts.
The Board of Directors -in the internal rules – may grant payment in installments of the fees and also confer a partial repayment for local purposes related to brand protection activity (except in Switzerland and Austria).
WABR FEES from 01.07.2024
UN 2022 GNI HDI reference for WABAR fees 2024