
WABA Vision DRAFT 22-5-21 (Thank you Paul Rich)

Core Philosophy:
  • Promote a culture of respect, compassion, and integrity – based in effective communication, community (acceptance, inclusion, cooperation, mutual support…), and strong fundamental values (kindness, gratitude, awareness…), and effective teaching techniques.
  • Clearly express underlying philosophy of teaching – building a supportive and joyful learning environment, cultivating strong learning skills, facilitating mastery of fundamental skills and knowledge; and encouraging personal and professional growth, creativity, and excellence.
  • Ensure rigorous educational standards – common curriculum and requirements worldwide, with reputation of excellence.
  • Provide for exceptions and creative solutions – to support the exceptional, to accommodate special needs and disability, and to respond to opportunities.
  • Recognize the importance of diversity – background, learning style, talents, vulnerabilities, needs, and contributions.
  • Encourage freedom, creativity, and self motivation – innovation, creative expression, confidence, skills for practice and mastery.
  • Provide also for alternative learning pathways – including non-intensive classes, independent study, apprenticeships, study groups, and practicums, along with means for testing and advanced placement through evaluation of proficiency.
  • Contribute to an atmosphere of collegiality – communicating with civility, respect, friendly tone, and mutual support; transparent, with openness, clarity, and accountability; and inclusive, welcoming and respecting all, with diverse talents and perspectives (collegiality = the relationship between colleagues united in a common purpose, with shared responsibility and authority).

Purpose: Desire to share and spread the values of WATSU ® and of all the WABA different AB’s all over the World.