
ESAC Educational Standard Advisory Committee

ESAC is the advisory committee for WABA and WABR about educational standards. It applies and overview the learning process set up by the WABR exclusively for the Watsu provider, practitioner and Instructor certification.

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Hagar Guttman

Board Liaison

Scientific and Research Committee

The Scientific committee will set up procedure for improving the scientific acceptance of Watsu and Aquatic Bodywork as a therapeutic tool. It helps to collect all the scientific and empiric research in an archive. Advise symposium and conference worldwide and collaborate with other bodies that have similar purposes.

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C G Prashanth

Board Liaison

US and English speaking countries Ethical Committee

The Ethics committee is the advisory committee for WABA and WABR about ethical professional standards. It oversees the different process set up by the WABA/WABR for the Watsu students, providers, practitioners, assistants and instructors.

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Chad Ravert

Vice Chair

Central and South America Ethical Committee

The Ethics committee is the advisory committee for WABA and WABR about ethical professional standards. It oversees the different process set up by the WABA/WABR for the Watsu students, providers, practitioners, assistants and instructors.

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European Ethical Committee

The Ethics committee is the advisory committee for WABA and WABR about ethical professional standards. It oversees the different process set up by the WABA/WABR for the Watsu students, providers, practitioners, assistants and instructors.

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Mary Seamster

Board Liaison

Marketing & PR Committee

The Marketing committee works to provide a WABA newsletter 2-4 times per year, hold social media activity, search opportunities for promoting Watsu (conferences, special events, etc.), make active promotion during specific events (expos, conferences) and helps in creating, publishing and spreading around promotional materials (movies, postcards, branded materials).

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Board Liaison

Trade Mark Committee

The committee defines the ethical standards for TI, Instructors, Assistants, Practitioners, Students using the TM Watsu. Set up guidelines for issues regarding TM, bring “limited” support to TI in case of problems. Suggest solutions by interpretation cases. Help Dull’s family where’s possible, to complete a worldwide Watsu TM protection.

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Calias Dull

Board Liaison